2024-2025 Executive Committee


Board of Directors

For all inquiries, please Contact Us.

The Board stands ready to respond and maintain communication with residents through the Section Leaders and Block Captains during a community emergency.

President: Marc Tang

Provides overall leadership and management for the CCVCA pursuant to its purpose and by-laws, presides over CCVCA meetings, ensures the responsibilities of the CCVCA are fulfilled, and carries out fiduciary functions pursuant to the CCVCA by-laws.

First Vice-President: Todd Murphy

Monitors external matters of the CCVCA, such as those pertaining to zoning, covenants, transportation, and liaison.

Second Vice-President: Hanan Idilbi & Kellie Quartana 

Monitors internal matters of the CCVCA, supervises the section leader/block captain structure, publishes the CCVCA directory, and manages membership drives.

Secretary: Theresa Kessler

Maintains official records, documents, and files of the CCVCA, including minutes of meetings of the Directors, Executive Committee, and general membership.

Treasurer: Barbara Beatty

Carries out fiduciary functions pursuant to the CCVCA by-laws.

Committee Chairs

Beautification Bill Brewbaker
Events Sherrie Brady
Neighborhood Watch Bob Mizer
*Seeking Volunteers*
Newsletter Meg Flanagan
Parks Liaison Larry Beatty
Past Presidents Steve Belisle
Public Service Bob Mizer
Scholarship Greg Rheault
School Liaison (Oak View Elementary) Aileen Winquist
School Liaison (Robinson Secondary) Erin Dyal
School Liaison (George Mason University) Fran DelVecchio
Website Catherine Burdette
Robert Wade
Welcoming Willow Bodman
Susan Mekenney
Ad Hoc Playground Committee Cara Snow