CCVCA Standing Committees


The Standing Committee Chairs shall be appointed by the President, upon the approval of a majority of the CCVCA Board of Directors. The Chairs shall appoint their respective committee members.

Beautification – promotes and oversees beautification activities throughout the neighborhood. It focuses on maintaining the CCVCA neighborhood signs in an attractive manner; overseeing the maintenance of common areas within the neighborhood, to include the Gadsen Street/University Mall walkway and the park playground area; and recommending areas of the community that need aesthetic attention. Currently seeking volunteers.

Events – responsible for planning an annual calendar of community-building events; administering all logistics necessary to fulfill the execution of the planned events; and promoting, hosting, and arranging all practical elements of the CCVCA events, including its venue, activities, food, and accommodation of participants. 

Newsletter – publishes the CCVCA Newsletter to keep the CCVCA members informed of all pertinent matters affecting the community. Currently seeking volunteers.

Past Presidents – consists of all former Presidents who remain members in good standing of CCVCA. The Chair of the Past President’s Committee shall be a former President of the CCVCA. The Past President’s Committee serves as an advisor to the Board of Directors, and undertakes special projects as assigned by the Board of Directors or the Executive Committee.

Public Service – has cognizance over matters pertaining to security and emergency services. The services include but are not limited to Neighborhood Watch and Emergency Medical Service. This committee represents the CCVCA by offering support in cases of serious illness, death, or other personal matters; advises the Executive Committee of situations in which additional assistance by the CCVCA should be considered; and establishes liaison with the Fairfax County Police and Fairfax County Fire and Rescue Service. Currently seeking volunteers for Neighborhood Watch.

Scholarship – oversees the CCVCA Paul Maltagliati Memorial College Scholarship and advises the Executive Committee regarding scholarship matters. Reports are presented at the April general membership meeting.

Schools – advises the Executive Committee regarding school programs and problems; and maintains liaison with George Mason University, Robinson Secondary School, Oak View Elementary School, and the respective parent-teacher organizations.

Website – responsible for the creation and maintenance of a “Country Club View” website to keep residents and others informed of all pertinent matters affecting the community.

Welcoming – contacts new households within Country Club View and introduces them to the community and the CCVCA.

Please Contact Us if you would like to learn more about volunteering for these committees.