Read all about this monthly event!
NOTE: Free Share Saturday is this Saturday, July 27 from 8:00 am – noon, but please make sure any unclaimed items get put away by dark!
Read all about this monthly event!
NOTE: Free Share Saturday is this Saturday, June 29 from 8:00 am – noon, but please make sure any unclaimed items get put away by dark!
Traffic Advisory: 2024 EagleBank Graduations
Heavy traffic is expected on and around George Mason University’s Fairfax Campus for regional high school graduation ceremonies at EagleBank Arena from May 29 through June 18, 2024. EagleBank Arena will host up to three ceremonies on many days, so traffic will be entering and exiting campus from 8 am until 10 pm. Please allow extra travel time on and around campus. George Mason faculty, staff, and students are advised to use the general permit area of the Rappahannock Parking Deck or the Field House parking lots to avoid delays. Shenandoah Parking Deck (levels 4 and 5) will be open for limited overflow student, employee, and event parking on weekdays when graduations occur.
Wednesday, May 29
- 9:30 am Osbourn High School
- 2 pm Battlefield High School
- 7 pm Gainesville High School
Thursday, May 30
- 9:30 am Woodbridge High School
- 2 pm Forest Park High School
Friday, May 31
- 9:30 am Hylton High School
- 2 pm Potomac High School
- 7 pm Osbourn Park High School
Saturday, June 1
- 9 am Alexandria High School
- 2 pm Gar-Field High School
- 7 pm Freedom (PW) High School
Monday, June 3
- 9:30 am Annandale High School Graduation
- 2 pm Robinson Secondary School
- 7:30 pm Lewis High School
Tuesday, June 4
- 9:30 am Mount Vernon High School
- 2 pm Lake Braddock Secondary School
- 7:30 pm Westfield High School
Wednesday, June 5
- 9:30 am Centreville High School
- 2 pm Herndon High School
- 7:30 pm Edison High School
Thursday, June 6
- 9:30 am West Springfield Secondary School
- 2 pm Woodson High School
- 7:30 pm Justice High School
Friday, June 7
- 9:30 am Chantilly High School
- 2 pm Falls Church High School
- 7:30 pm South Lakes High School
Saturday, June 8
- 7:30 pm Thomas Jefferson High School
Monday, June 10
- 9:30 am Hayfield High School
- 2 pm South County High School
Tuesday, June 11
- 9:30 am Oakton High School
- 2 pm West Potomac High School
Saturday, June 15
- 10 am Broad Run High School
- 2 pm Briar Woods High School
- 7 pm Freedom (LC) High School
Tuesday, June 18
- 10 am John Champe High School
- 2 pm Potomac Falls High School
- 7 pm Park View High School
Monday, May 27, CCV Park, 10:45AM
Bring your flags to wave for the Memorial Day procession, and also bring a chair so you can sit during the ceremony. For the ceremony program and more details about the CCVCA Memorial Celebration, please click here.
Read all about this monthly event!
NOTE: Free Share Saturday is this Saturday, May 25 from 8:00 am – noon, but please make sure any unclaimed items get put away by dark!
Read all about this monthly event!
NOTE: Free Share Saturday is this Saturday, April 27 from 8:00 am – noon, but please make sure any unclaimed items get put away by dark!
Read more about this event!
Refreshments provided. This weekend is also the City Nature Challenge! Help the DC area make the most nature observations in this international contest! We can show you how to record your nature observations for the challenge.
UPDATE 03/28/24: The university has decided not to move forward with the Washington Freedom on negotiations to build a temporary baseball and cricket stadium on the West Campus. Click here for more information.
CCVCA is closely monitoring the GMU-Washington Freedom Cricket Stadium as it develops (click on photo to enlarge for better view). Please click here for resource links. Stay tuned for updates as well as potential opportunities for members to share their thoughts on this project. Feedback from the community will help determine what positions on the stadium will best serve the needs of Country Club View and surrounding neighborhoods.
Dr. Gregory Washington, GMU President, will be the guest speaker at the CCVCA General Membership Meeting on April 25! Please submit your questions or proposed topics to or any CCVCA Board Member.
Guest speaker Dr. Gregory Washington, GMU President, will join us to discuss issues impacting our larger community, including development of GMU’s West Campus. Good communication is the heart of neighborliness, and Dr. Washington’s visit is an opportunity for CCV neighbors to communicate our hopes and expectations to the head of our university neighbor.
Every Address a Success!
Letter to CCV Neighbors from CCVCA President Marc Tang
Dear Neighbor,
As we reflect on this past year it is wonderful to see our community continue to shine. A recent Neighborhood Scout report describes Country Club View as a “combination of top public schools, low crime rates, and owner-occupied single-family homes giving this area the look and feel of a ‘Leave it to Beaver’ episode.” It also notes that “demand for real estate in Country Club View is above average for the U.S.” What the report doesn’t fully recognize is that we also have a thriving community of wonderful and engaged neighbors.
In 2023 our Country Club View Civic Association (CCVCA) membership included 242 (of 470+ total) households — our goal is to reach even higher neighbor participation this year! We invite all of you to renew your membership or join anew by selecting Join/Renew from the menu bar to securely complete your application online.
Click here to continue reading and for more information to Join/Renew.
Read all about this new monthly event!
Holiday Decorating Contest
Winner in each category receives $100!
Everyone is encouraged to decorate to make our neighborhood merry and bright!
Monday, December 18, 2023
6:00 pm – 10:00 pm
(Rain Date: Tuesday, December 19)
Only CCVCA members are eligible to win an award. (Membership Application)
The judging committee will award one winner for each category:
Toyland — appealing to children
Traditional — elegant, classic, sacred or secular
Winter Wonderland — magical glistening snow
Winners will receive $100 and a yard sign in recognition of their holiday display.
For more information about the competition, click here.
Read all about this new monthly event!
Read all about this new monthly event!
Read all about this new monthly event!
CCV Park
The Ice Cream Social and the Halloween Festival
will be held as a joint event this year!
Read all about this new monthly event!
Read all about this new monthly event!
For more details, click here.
For more details, click here.
The Country Club of Fairfax’s fireworks display will begin around 9:00 pm on Saturday, July 1. CCV neighbors often watch from their own homes (if skyline is unobstructed by trees) and others walk up to Ox Road and set up chairs along the sidewalk. For those who drive up, please do not park on Ox Road but instead on a side road (Portsmouth, Marlborough, Ames). Some viewers watch from University Mall and the Salvation Army. FYI: CCV’s close proximity to the fireworks can be overwhelming for people of all ages and pets, so plan accordingly for loud bangs that last about 30+ minutes! Click here for more local events.
Read all about this new monthly event!
Read all about this new monthly event!
Halloween Festival
CCV Park – 10609 Henrico Street
October 30, 2022
2:00 pm – 5:00 pm
No rain date if inclement weather.
Volunteers should meet in the park at 12:30 pm to set up.
Costume Parade — Line Up at 2:00; Parade Begins at 2:10.
* To participate in the home decorating and/or pumpkin carving contests, please submit by noon on Saturday, October 29, at least one photo of the entry to: You may submit both a daytime and a nighttime photo to best show your home decorations and carved pumpkin(s).
* A station will be set up if you want to bring your own pumpkin and carve it at the festival. If you plan to submit your on-site carved pumpkin for the contest, please note the voting begins at 3:oo pm.
* Voting on house decorations and pumpkins (submitted photos and carved on-site) will be done at the festival from 3:00 pm to 5:00 pm. There will be no voting on Facebook this year. Winners will be announced and given a sign to place in their front yard.
* Spooky Trail participants must sign up on-site to be led by a guide. Groups of about 10 participants will be called from the list and then staggered to maximize fun for everyone involved.
* Yard games, prize wheel, selfie station, yummy treats, and spooky music will make this Halloween Festival a spooktacular event for all!
8th Annual Ice Cream Social
CCV Park – 10609 Henrico Street
September 18, 2022
4:00 pm – 6:00 pm
All CCV residents are welcome to participate, but if you are not already a member of the civic association we encourage you to join as the $15 dues support this event.
Don’t forget to bring cash or check (made out to CCVCA) for the Paul Maltagliati Scholarship Fund Raffle–$1/1 ticket; $5/6 tickets; $10/12 tickets; $20/24 tickets! There will be a jar for each item, so you can put your tickets in any of the ones you are interested in. Click on each flyer to view.
Deer Management Program in Country Club View Park
September 10, 2022 – February 18, 2023
(Click image to view all documents.)
Country Club View Civic Association
Memorial Day Ceremony
Monday, May 30, 2022
CCV Park, 10609 Henrico Street
10:45 am
Bring photos to the Memorial Table.
CCV Rolling Thunder rides the neighborhood.
11:00 am
CCV Rolling Thunder arrives CCV Park.
Bagpipe Processional – John Hughes
Welcome – Bill Barfield, 1st Vice President
Present the Colors – Troop 1865
“The Star-Spangled Banner”
Introduction of Braddock Supervisor – Bill Barfield
Braddock Supervisor – James Walkinshaw
“America the Beautiful”
Wreath Presentation – CCV Women’s Club
Introduction of Guest Speaker – Bill Barfield
Guest Speaker – Brigadier General Benjamin Spencer
“My Country, ‘Tis of Thee”
Closing Remarks – Bill Barfield
A Moment of Silence
Retreat the Colors – Troop 1865
Bagpipe Recessional – John Hughes
Residents are invited to bring photos of family or friends who gave their lives in service to the United States of America to place on the Memorial Table.
Troop 1865 will collect full-sized American flags that need to be retired.
Please bring your own lawn chairs for basketball court seating.
Color Guard – Caitlin Ferguson, Lucila Talbot, Lawrence Bradley, Parker Keane
MONDAY, APRIL 25, 2022 AT 7:30 PM – 9:00 PM
CCVCA Spring Membership General Meeting
featuring Erickson Senior Living & CCVCA Officer Elections
All CCVCA members are invited to attend our Spring and Fall membership meetings, held at St. Mary’s Church in Farrell Hall at 5222 Sideburn Road.
During our annual Spring meeting we conduct officer elections as well as share updates on current agenda items like Membership Drive, Events, and Scholarship. Please email if you cannot attend and would like to submit a Proxy Ballot.
This Spring we will hear from invited guest speaker David Taylor with updates on the Erickson Senior Living’s project nearby on Braddock Road.
If you haven’t joined yet, please take a moment now to submit your 2022 CCVCA Membership Application and $15 annual dues.
CCVCA Yard Sale
Saturday, April 23, 2022
8:00 am – 12:00 pm
If you intend to host a yard sale on Saturday, April 23, please complete the participation form to be included on the CCVCA Yard Sale Map. (Note: You may still host a yard sale if you do not submit this form.) Copies of the map will be made available at CCV neighborhood entrance signs that morning. The CCVCA Yard Sale Map will not show any identifying information — simply a “pin” at each participating address. Please submit the form by Wednesday, April 20, to appear as a destination on the map.
On April 23, 2022, the CCV Stream Cleanup will be held from 10:00 am – 11:00 am. Celebrate Earth Day by showing some love for our local stream, Sideburn branch of Pohick Creek! Please join us in reducing the amount of trash in the Country Club View Park stream to prevent it from continuing downstream! Last year there were basketballs, tennis balls, tubing, and even rusty chairs uncovered from the muck and brought out to be collected by the Park Authority. This is a great opportunity for students to earn service hours.
Two locations to meet: CCV Park by the tennis courts or the park entrance off of Grinnell Street. Dress appropriately for being in the woods and around the creek–wear gloves, long pants, and shoes that can get muddy. CCVCA will provide trash bags for volunteers and treats to enjoy after the cleanup.

Come to the CCV Park from 4:00-6:00 pm and enjoy the Spooky Trail and games!
Around 4:30 pm there will be a costume parade on the basketball court.
See Halloween Competitions for Pumpkin Carving and Home Decorating events!
The Fairfax Community Farmers’ Markets
10500 Page Avenue, Fairfax, VA 22030
Saturday Market — October 16, 23 & 30 from 9:00 am to 1:00 pm
Sunday Market — October 17 & 24 from 9:00 am to 1:00 pm
Holiday Farmers’ Market — November 6, 13 & 20 from 10:00 am to 1:00 pm
Vendors travel from West Virginia, Maryland, Pennsylvania, District of Columbia, and Virginia locations outside the DMV. For seven months of the year, they bring these markets to our community. There’s a diverse group of Saturday and Sunday vendors at the markets!
CCVCA Yard Sale
Saturday, October 9, 2021
Green Drop Donations Accepted
Country Club View Park
11:00 am – 1:00 pm
Donations benefit American Red Cross
7th Annual Ice Cream Social
Sunday, September 19, 2021
Country Club View Park
4:00 – 6:00 pm
All CCV residents are welcome to participate, but if you are not already a member of the civic association we encourage you to join as the $15 dues support this event.
What do Humpty Dumpty, a Moose, a Unicorn and a Dinosaur have in common? They are all going to be in raffle baskets with their own special illustrated books. Don’t forget to bring cash or check (made out to CCVCA) for the Paul Maltagliati Scholarship Fund Raffle–$1/1 ticket; $5/6 tickets; $10/12 tickets; $20/24 tickets! There will be a jar for each item, so you can put your tickets in any of the ones you are interested in.
Donations are needed for the Book Nook and Plant Exchange! Please click on the Map, Chart, Book Nook, Plant Exchange, and Girl Scouts for a better view of each flyer.

* Signs also posted on Almond, Ames, Glenville, and Elmira.
* Monday thru Friday from July 20 to August 2.
* Cars must be removed 7am until 6pm or risk being towed.
Work has already begun in other parts of the neighborhood. Use this map to follow the paving progress in CCV and surrounding areas.
Looking for something to do this summer? (click on flyer)
Braddock Nights:
Wednesday evenings • 7:30 – 8:30 p.m. • Rutherford Park
Friday evenings • 7:30 – 8:30 p.m. • Royal Lake Park
Arts in the Parks:
Wednesday Mornings • 10 a.m. • Frying Pan Farm Park Visitor Center
Saturday mornings • 10 a.m. • Mason District Park, Burke Lake Park, EC Lawrence Park Amphitheater & Wakefield Park (behind the Rec Center)
The 2021 CCVCA Membership Directory has been distributed to members. If you haven’t joined/renewed yet, please take a moment now to submit your 2021 CCVCA Membership Application and $15 annual dues to receive your free directory while supplies last!
On Sunday, May 16, 2021, CCVCA hosted its first Concert in the Park! CCV’s own professional musicians—Solomia and Andre of the band Gerdan—presented “Music Greetings from Eastern Europe.” They entertained and enlightened with folk music and dance of their homeland (Ukraine and surrounding countries).
On April 17 and 18, 2021, Andrew Harmon of Boy Scout Troop #1865 completed his service project. He sanded, refinished, and painted the rails for the Oak View Elementary School access walkway at Gadsen Drive.
On April 10, 2021, the CCV Stream Cleanup was held from 10-11 am. Thank you Boy Scout Troop #1865 and all the volunteers for a job well done! It was a great success with about 40 people participating. Basketballs, tennis balls, tubing, and even rusty chairs were uncovered from the muck and brought out to be collected by the Park Authority. Civic responsibility abounds in CCV!
If you need assistance or information, please Contact Us!
If you are a new resident, please use the form Welcome New Neighbor!