Food Truck – Little Lady Grill
Intersection of Portsmouth & Buckingham Roads Fairfax, VirginiaLittle Lady Grill Please pre-order by calling or texting 703-475-4576.
Little Lady Grill Please pre-order by calling or texting 703-475-4576.
Last day for graduating high school seniors of CCVCA members (whose parents paid dues prior to March 15, 2021) to submit their Paul A. Maltagliati Memorial Scholarship application. Contact: Bob Coffin.
Roaming Coyote Grille
Margarets Soul Food You can preorder Margarets Soul food truck, or just walk up or call order in: 703-608-9226.
Newsletters will be distributed to CCVCA members.
New Gourmet Delight -- Text in orders and time slot to 571.338.7020. You can also order at truck.
Rain date April 24
Little Lady Grill
Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 833 4866 7751 Passcode: 988675 Dial by your location +1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC) Meeting ID: 833 4866 7751 Passcode: 988675
Blue City
This is a publicized multi-community event, so neighbors are encouraged to have their stuff out early (prior to 8 am) and may continue past noon at their discretion. Contact: Sherrie Brady.