Scholarship Application Deadline
Last day for graduating high school seniors of CCVCA members (whose parents paid dues prior to March 15, 2021) to submit their Paul A. Maltagliati Memorial Scholarship application. Contact: Bob Coffin.
Last day for graduating high school seniors of CCVCA members (whose parents paid dues prior to March 15, 2021) to submit their Paul A. Maltagliati Memorial Scholarship application. Contact: Bob Coffin.
Roaming Coyote Grille
Margarets Soul Food You can preorder Margarets Soul food truck, or just walk up or call order in: 703-608-9226.
Newsletters will be distributed to CCVCA members.
New Gourmet Delight -- Text in orders and time slot to 571.338.7020. You can also order at truck.
Rain date April 24
Little Lady Grill
Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 833 4866 7751 Passcode: 988675 Dial by your location +1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC) Meeting ID: 833 4866 7751 Passcode: 988675
Blue City
This is a publicized multi-community event, so neighbors are encouraged to have their stuff out early (prior to 8 am) and may continue past noon at their discretion. Contact: Sherrie Brady.